Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stark Warband Complete!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently.  I was waiting on some static grass to finish my lads and, what do you know?  It was cheaper and easier to order the damn stuff from England on Amazon than it was find it at my local suppliers or via my usual go-to place,

In retrospect, I probably should have had the men wearing white with grey wolves, as that is the "official" heraldry for the Starks of Winterfell.  However, it should be noted that the household guards of the Starks are consistently referred to as "greycloaks" and at one point, Arya is almost fooled by Goldcloaks disguised as her father's men in grey cloaks.  Of course, it really has ended up as more of a blue, but I'm generally content with the overall scheme.  Plus, give the massive influx of recruits at the beginning of the War of the Four(/Five) Monarchs, it is certainly reasonable to expect that in a pre-industrial society, there would be plenty of variation.  The winter effects were made with GF9 snow effects, as well as MIG weathering powder (white).  Overall, I'm pleased.

Ah well.  This is what happens when you get a historical gamer modeling fantasy figures.  Enjoy!


  1. They look great! I'm going to steal the line about how "it is certainly reasonable to expect that in a pre-industrial society, there would be plenty of variation" to explain the variation in my Westerosi miniatures too!

  2. Hey Marc, I applaud you work here! Thanks again for the shout out to my blog. It's great to find others who share the same enthusiasm.

    I've just come back to my project recently after a hiatus. I'll finish up my Greyjoy faction today.

    Drop me an email at and we can trade ideas, sources, etc.

    Best regards,


  3. very cool idea. They came out great.
